let's talk
Add a touch of movement to your logo, website, or app.
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An animated loop showing a simple, cute illustrated cartoon leaf from a plant or tree, with simple eyes, mouth, and legs. The leaf appears from the left side of the image and hops across the image to the right side where it disappears again.
let's talk
An animated loop showing a simple, cute illustrated cartoon leaf from a plant or tree, with simple eyes, mouth, and legs. The leaf appears from the left side of the image and hops across the image to the right side where it disappears again.
Add a touch of movement to your logo, website, or app.
If you're in a hurry and just want a quick look at my top animation projects,  check out my reel here.

For a more detailed breakdown with timestamps and links to each project, visit the case study
If you're in a hurry and just want a quick look at my top animation projects,  check out my reel below.

For a more detailed breakdown with timestamps and links to each project, visit the case study
animation projects
Click a preview image below to see the full video,
or click the link to visit the case study.
An animated gif showing a looping sequence of an illustrated scene, with a background of green hills and beige buildings in the background, and a woman in a green shirt and orange pants in the foreground, sitting at a table with a giant orange cup of coffee. She waves her hand, and trees and plants grow up around her. On the right side of the illustration a beige building with pink details grows up from the ground next to a small urban outdoor gym.Wyseminds Explainer Case Study
An animated gif with a light green background and animated stick figure drawings. A green woman sits at a yellow desk with a green flag on it. To her left is a yellow drawing of a city Hall. On the left is a ping pong table. Above her two green trees animate on. To her right two lamp posts animate on. At the top are a black and yellow speech bubble with the phrase "Beteilige dich! Democrative lebt von dir" and the website beteiligen.sachsen.de
animation projects
Click a preview image below to see the full video,
or click the link to visit the case study.
An animated gif showing a looping sequence of an illustrated scene, with a background of green hills and beige buildings in the background, and a woman in a green shirt and orange pants in the foreground, sitting at a table with a giant orange cup of coffee. She waves her hand, and trees and plants grow up around her. On the right side of the illustration a beige building with pink details grows up from the ground next to a small urban outdoor gym.Wyseminds Explainer Case Study
Pong Crunch case study
An animated gif with a light green background and animated stick figure drawings. A green woman sits at a yellow desk with a green flag on it. To her left is a yellow drawing of a city Hall. On the left is a ping pong table. Above her two green trees animate on. To her right two lamp posts animate on. At the top are a black and yellow speech bubble with the phrase "Beteilige dich! Democrative lebt von dir" and the website beteiligen.sachsen.de
Ministry of Justice Explainer Videos Case Study
Padel City Case Study
Lazy Food Case Study
animation services
animation services

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Emails make me happy.

Drop me a line at hello@flymaryfly.com, say hi on instagram @flymaryfly, or use the fancy form below.
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I'm sick of learning about animation!! Take me home!